FAQ – Airbrush Tattoo

What is an Airbrush Tattoo?

A real tattoo is in principle irreversible because the ink is injected under the skin. Airbrush Tattoos take the form of a non-permanent image on the skin which, closely resembles a real tattoo. It is applied to the skin with the help of a spray gun, special paint, and possibly stencils and it can be removed from the skin.

Is the Temporary Airbrush Tattoo safe?

YES!! The paint used is an alcohol-based body paint. It is EU-approved and contains only cosmetic-grade materials. Alcohol-based makeup has been used for decades for special effects in movies for its durability, we are simply re-purposing it for its entertainment value!

What ages are Airbrush Tattoos suitable for?

Airbrush tattoos are suitable for ages 4 yrs +

How Are Airbrush Tattoos Applied Safely?

Airbrush tattoos are applied using an airbrush gun that converts the ink into fine particles and sprays it using compressed air. Unlike spray guns, an airbrush is more precise and uses lower air pressure. The artist will use your desired stencil and place it in the chosen area. Make sure that your skin is healthy and doesn’t have any damage or irritation before getting a temporary tattoo. The artist will usually clean the area with alcohol before airbrushing the skin. Once the stencil is placed, the airbrush is used to spray ink and create the image. When the tattoo design is complete, powders are often applied to seal the design on the skin.

Wondering how long Airbrush Tattoos last?

You can expect Temporary Airbrush Tattoos to last anywhere between 3-5 days, this depends on the location of the tattoo and aftercare. With good aftercare, the tattoo can last well up to 7-9 days.

How do I take care of a Temporary Airbrush Tattoo?

If you want your Temporary Airbrush Tattoo to last longer, we recommend putting baby powder on your tattoo several times a day and avoiding scrubbing it while bathing or showering. Chlorine in pools/spas can degrade it if it is exposed for long periods. EXCESSIVE sweating can also wear the tattoo down. Areas, where there is sweat, oil or friction (like clothing or shoes), can also wear down the tattoo quicker. The areas of the body that have the driest skin will allow the tattoo to last longer.  

How to remove Airbrush tattoos from the skin?

Temporary airbrush tattoos have the simplest removal process.

Don’t rub with water and soap unless the paint is water-soluble. Airbrush tattoos are easily removed when rubbed with 70% isopropanol (alcohol), surgical spirit or baby oil; there is no need to apply intense pressure. Avoid irritation and friction burns by soaking a cotton pad with liquid or the oil-based remover and gently rubbing it onto the tattoo.

Who would LOVE Temporary Airbrush Tattoos at a party or event?

Children would be very intrigued by trying something different with all the design choices, and Teens would Love Airbrush Tattoos simply because they look cool! Adults LOVE it because they can choose a design which will bring out their Edge or the proper Rock Queen!! NO age group doesn’t want a Temporary Airbrush Tattoo.

What events would you recommend having Temporary Airbrush Tattoos?

Airbrush Tattoos would suit from small party gatherings to corporate giants. Airbrush Tattoos will be a good choice to make your party a highlight, memorable, and highly entertaining on the edgy side!!

Children’s Tattoo Considerations

Airbrush tattoos are offered to children from ages 4yrs+ It is best to use particular designs for children. Tattoos should not be applied to sensitive areas of the skin and if the child does have sensitive skin or allergies, we can offer a test patch on the child’s skin by spraying an airbrush tattoo on an inconspicuous area of the skin. The Artist will ask parents if their child has any known allergies.

Possible Risks of Getting an Airbrush Temporary Tattoo

There are no substantial dangers associated with airbrush tattoos. However, there may be individual sets of problems faced by different people.

1. Allergic Reaction From Airbrush Tattoos?

As skin types vary from person to person, there is a chance of having an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the paint or powders. Although all colours have to be approved by safety boards, there may be individual ingredients that some people have a sensitivity or allergy to. Please feel free to ask about the products we use. Generally, two types of airbrush paints are commonly used for airbrush tattoos. These include water-based paints and alcohol-based paints. Both these types of colours have different characteristics and longevity, Make sure you understand which ink you’re using and ensure if it’s safe to use for yourself.

2. Is Scarring a Possibility With Airbrush Tattooing?

Don’t worry, there is virtually no risk. Nothing in the ink or application method could potentially lead to scarring. Airbrush tattoos do not involve penetrating the skin, so it’s almost impossible for a scar to form.

3. How experienced should the tattoo artist be?

It is a word of advice to not trust just anyone with an airbrush tool. But that’s not always the case with an airbrush tattoo. Since the airbrush tool is non-invasive and only requires compressed air. However, the tattoo artist should know the prescribed air pressure for airbrush tattoos and how to handle the tool safely.  Applying a temporary airbrush tattoo is simple and no hardcore training or experience is required.

4. Are There Crazy Side Effects After Getting an Airbrush Tattoo?

To put it simply, no. There is no real reason for any side effects, as the contact period of airbrush tattoo ink is so short, they are harmless as possible. This is a major reason why they’re so popular with children and their parents. A temporary airbrush tattoo is a short-term experience that will not leave behind anything but fond memories and cool pictures. Once it fades out entirely or is appropriately removed, it’s as if it was never there.

3. Choose a Proper Area for Tattooing

Airbrush tattoos are safe on all body areas, but some may be less ideal than others. If you ask for a tattoo close to the eyes, nose, or mouth, there is a chance the tattoo artist may refuse your request. This is because ink droplets or fumes may become a potential risk for you if you inhale them in large quantities or they enter your body through your nose or mouth. 

4. Damaged Skin is a No-Go

Cracked, cut, or damaged skin is vulnerable to infections and further irritation. It is best to avoid any areas with skin conditions or injuries. 

5. Don’t Forget to Enjoy

The whole point of temporary tattoos is to have a fun and memorable experience! If there are any concerns in your mind or things that make you hesitant, talk to someone with experience or ask your tattoo artist. Always be comfortable and decisive with your decisions, and if things don’t go well, you can always clean them off. For children, experimenting with temporary airbrush tattoos is a thrilling and memorable experience. Make sure that they are as prepared and comfortable as possible because new experiences tend to bring out their nerves.